
explore the goals

The Plan is separated into six key goals that will guide the City’s work in advancing fair housing through 2025.

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Goal 1

Fight housing discrimination in its many different forms

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Discrimination against New Yorkers looking to rent, buy, or get a loan for a home is still a widespread practice that unfairly limits housing and neighborhood options for many.

Ending discrimination in its different forms is not easy. That’s why the City is taking a multi-faceted approach through increased enforcement and protections to address the complex and persistent discrimination that still occurs in the housing market.

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Goal 2

Build more housing in all neighborhoods, including the suburbs

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New York City has a housing crisis. There is a growing population and rising demand for homes, but a limited supply. This makes it especially challenging for low-income New Yorkers, who are disproportionately people of color and people with disabilities, to find housing options that are affordable.

To affirmatively further fair housing, the City must ensure that residents have realistic options to live in a variety of thriving neighborhoods. This requires expanding housing options for low-income residents across New York City and the region.

Explore goal 2


Goal 3

Protect existing affordable housing and prevent displacement

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Promoting fair housing in a high-cost city also means supporting New Yorkers who want to stay in their home or neighborhood, even as it changes.

This is why it is critical to preserve existing affordable homes, including those in NYCHA and those living in rent-regulated buildings, while also supporting programs that protect tenants and homeowners from harassment and mistreatment.

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Goal 4

Ensure access to different types of neighborhoods for tenants using housing vouchers

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Many New Yorkers use rental assistance and vouchers to secure safe, stable, and affordable homes. But, across the nation and locally, residents using vouchers often live in neighborhoods with higher levels of poverty and lower performing schools.

A crucial part of promoting fair housing is ensuring New Yorkers using rental assistance have access to a diversity of neighborhoods. This is why the City is seeking to open more housing options to New Yorkers using rental assistance and improve the design of the program to better serve participating residents and landlords.

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Goal 5

Expand and improve housing options and accommodations for people with disabilities

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New Yorkers with disabilities face unique challenges when it comes to finding housing that is affordable, safe, and accessible. Many residents with disabilities live in institutional settings, such as nursing homes, without meaningful opportunities to live independently and interact with individuals without disabilities.

A crucial part of promoting fair housing is ensuring New Yorkers with disabilities have housing options that allow them to be independent and integrated through coordinated support and more accessible options.

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Goal 6

Invest in neighborhoods that haven’t gotten their fair share

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New York City—like all cities in the United States—is scarred by a long history of discrimination, segregation, and concentrated poverty. This history has particularly impacted neighborhoods that people of color call home.

Affirmatively furthering fair housing means addressing the structural disadvantages that these neighborhoods and their residents experience so that no one is deprived of high-quality resources and services because of their race, ethnicity, disability, religion, or other protected characteristic, and that residents of all neighborhoods have the resources they need to thrive.

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