Message on the President’s Budget
With 11 million American households spending more than half of their income on rent, the President’s continued war on affordable housing is irresponsible and cruel. As the Mayor says, we’ll fight these cuts and push for increased spending for the affordable housing communities desperately need.
President Trump’s executive budget proposes dangerous cuts to programs that provide a decent standard of living for Americans in every state and city. For the sake of our veterans, seniors, families with children and other vulnerable people, we sincerely hope that Congress will reject these proposals and fully fund affordable and public housing programs.
Safe, stable affordable housing is a bridge to opportunity, and investing in these proven programs is a smart move. Study after study shows improved health and educational outcomes for families and economic benefits to communities. Yet year after year we see housing programs get short shrift in the federal budget process.
The President has called for the complete elimination of Community Development Block Grants, the HOME Investment Partnership Program and Public Housing Capital funds. These suggestions are unconscionable as we face increased need for housing infrastructure investments. The proposed Section 8 funding levels are unacceptable, New York City would see a loss of nearly 15,000 rental assistance vouchers.
Additionally, the President is now proposing to dramatically alter the social safety net as we know it by increasing the amount the most vulnerable Americans pay in rent.
At the same time, we’ve now seen the Administration’s infrastructure plan that makes no mention of housing, which is a critical part of all of our lives and communities. This is a missed opportunity to invest in good paying jobs and stability for all Americans.